
Florencia Cid— artist and graphic design

                I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1983. I have a Bachelorʼs degree in Graphic Design at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA- 2011). I have worked in several design studios gaining extensive experience in web and print. I also have a Bachelorʼs degree in visual arts, in the University National Arts in Argentina (UNA-2021). Currently produce drawings, videos and digital art pieces. I made several postgraduate courses and workshops related to art and new technologies. I am a teacher in the subject arts history and multimedia arts and teach in different courses at institutions in the country. Each new project represents for me a new challenge, that is why I’m always willing to collaborate to deliver top quality work. Some of the projects I’ve been involved for the past few years include: Print Design, Branding, Editorial, Illustration, Marketing Materials, Social Media, Motion Graphics, Digital and Calligraphy to name a few. I work and reside in Barcelona developing different art projects related to fine art and new technologies.


[ Visual Identity System | Updated Logo, Typography, Brand Guidelines, Color & Layout system. ]

Develop a communication plan in two big areas (inside and offside). These are demanding specially strategies. These have success with a coherence system.
The exploration of geometric architectural shapes and the materials of their own construction was the starting point for the creation of the visual identity.
Explored this idea through lines to represent the architectural projects and then becomes solid to represent the construction, in the sense of visually representing the brand philosophy, based on the development of projects that integrate all the services necessary to the development of all types of construction work. We developed a visual identity based on the infinite mutation of forms represented by solid lines, making a connection with the immensity of forms present in architecture and construction.